Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Minor Project Was Successful

Minor project on the title "Wild Animal Tracker" was successfully finished in August,2019.
Abstract of this project as:
Wild animal tracker is a system based on Global positioning system (GPS) signal from GPS satellite and Global system for mobile communication (GSM) module combined with ATmega328p microcontroller and temperature as well as accelerometer sensor to inform the authority about the present condition of wild animal so that the officer can proceed their further step to save the animals. Due to the fact that combination of GPS and GSM module with temperature and accelerometer sensor based on Arduino microcontroller can enhance the accuracy of the system than available now. This system is now widely used in the world including Nepal. As we know that there is always a point from where we can enhance the system feature and gain the fruitful result. So, there is many possibilities of enhancing a feature of existing system. From the data measured by these sensors, GSM module send the data to registered number so that the location of the animal can be determined. This added feature enhances the system capability so that user can take maximum benefits. 

Documentation of the project as : Download

Presentation Slide of the project as : Download

Some photos
With Friends

With Sir & Friends

Group Photo
With External Mam

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